What's Wrong with The Typical American Diet?

When talking about the typical American diet, burger, fries, maybe, soda and pizza come to mind. The characteristics of a typical American diet are high in calories, fats, and sodium. "The average American consumed about 1,850 calories per day in 1990. In 2015, the American daily diet has grown by 304 calories" (Woolston). American should aware of the problem of the ongoing obesity epidemic and understand that they are consuming too many calories; gaining weight. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 68 percent of all Americans are considered overweight to obese (Woolston).

However, calories only present number but do not tell the whole story. Americans have to know how they manage to eat all those calories. In general, most Americans are consuming too many calorie-dense foods and too many beverages or foods. 

The federal government recommends that everyone has at least two to five cups of fruits and vegetables a day. However, surveys show that the average American eats only three servings a day, and 42 percent eat fewer than two servings a day (Woolston).

Fast food plays an important role in the American diet. Everyone knows that most of the fast food contains high-fats, calories, and low nutrients which increases the chance of diabetes, obesity, and colon cancer. 

Although the typical American diet consists of unbalanced, high-fat foods and soft drinks. But this does not mean that American has to eat like that. Remember that small things make a big difference; eating healthy is not a difficult task. 
