In this post, the author, Cathy Margolin is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, she believes that the Asian diet is the best medicine to create one’s wellness. By practicing the Asian diet habits one will see improvement in their overall health. Margolin lists out the top 10 Asian diet habits that have been perfected and practiced for centuries:
(1) Limit drinks, especially cold drinks with meals. Americans like to drink a cold glass of water or soft-drink with meals. Americans should limit fluid intake with meals in order to create better digestion. In addition, American should drink like Asian, drinks a cup of green tea or other hot teas 30 minutes before or after meals is the best way to help enhance their digestive abilities.
(2) Have soup often. The soup contains a lot of nutrients and easily absorbed. Even with a small portion, you are getting lots of minerals and nutrients because the traditional Asian soup is made with a combination of vegetables. It is important to serve the soup in a warm temperature for a better digestive process.
(3) Eat a 3:1 ratio vegetables to meat. Americans should have the habit of eating three times the amount of vegetable to the amount of meat in their diet. The typical American diet does not make much room for vegetables, in fact, their favorite vegetable, potatoes such as mash potatoes and fries should be changed with freshly boiled broccolis or stemmed sweet potatoes.
(4) Small plates and chopsticks. Start to eat with a smaller bowl and plates is a great way to eat smaller portions. Also, eat with chopsticks instead of forks will slow down your rate of consumption. For the average American inexperienced chopstick users, they must eat slower than normal and their stomachs have time to send the message to their brain that they are full and it is time to stop eating.
(5) Rice combining. Americans should consume rice combinations, such as, brown, red, and black that are rich in vitamins and less sugar. Although white rice is tastier than less processed rice and good for fast energy, it is bad for the people who want to prevent blood sugar fluctuations and who is diabetic. Rice combinations are lower in calories can help to prevent obesity which is the Americans’ common health disease.
(6) Not every night is dessert night. The typical American desserts are cakes, cookies, chocolate, and ice cream that are high in sugar, fats, and calories. In contrast, the common Asian dessert is fruit that rich in nutritious. Americans should start eating like Asians to improve their health.
(7) Seafood. Everyone knows that there are a lot of advantages to eating seafood. Asians consume fish and seafood daily but not Americans. We have heard all about the benefits and healthy oils from fish. Americans should increase their fish consumptions so they can get more nutrients from the diet rather than the supplement.
(8) Asian snacks are healthier. The different choice of the snacks between the Asians and Americans is part of the reason Americans are so overweight and Asians are not. Chooses dried fruit, seaweed snacks, and pumpkin or sunflower seeds instead of the chocolate bar, candy bar, chips, and cookies. These healthy snacks are high in vitamins and minerals. Remember to choose the “lightly salted” version for nuts if you want the salt.
(9) Optimize food temperatures with seasons. Americans cultural of drinking cold drink even during in the winter is harmful to the health. Eating warm or hot foods on a cold day and cool foods on a hot day is a common-sense rule in Asia. Americans should practice this habit since eating the right temperature foods during various weather is an important part of a healthy diet.
(10) Avoid cow’s milk and milk combining. Americans should be aware of consuming milk with any other foods. Combining the wrong foods will slow down gut motility to a snail’s pace, such as dairy. The substitution of almond milk or organic soy milk for cow’s milk is better for healthy digestion.
This post gives a lot of ideas for my argument essay about why American should start eating like Asian. The author provides the differences in the diet habits between the American and the Asian.
(1) Limit drinks, especially cold drinks with meals. Americans like to drink a cold glass of water or soft-drink with meals. Americans should limit fluid intake with meals in order to create better digestion. In addition, American should drink like Asian, drinks a cup of green tea or other hot teas 30 minutes before or after meals is the best way to help enhance their digestive abilities.
(2) Have soup often. The soup contains a lot of nutrients and easily absorbed. Even with a small portion, you are getting lots of minerals and nutrients because the traditional Asian soup is made with a combination of vegetables. It is important to serve the soup in a warm temperature for a better digestive process.
(3) Eat a 3:1 ratio vegetables to meat. Americans should have the habit of eating three times the amount of vegetable to the amount of meat in their diet. The typical American diet does not make much room for vegetables, in fact, their favorite vegetable, potatoes such as mash potatoes and fries should be changed with freshly boiled broccolis or stemmed sweet potatoes.
(4) Small plates and chopsticks. Start to eat with a smaller bowl and plates is a great way to eat smaller portions. Also, eat with chopsticks instead of forks will slow down your rate of consumption. For the average American inexperienced chopstick users, they must eat slower than normal and their stomachs have time to send the message to their brain that they are full and it is time to stop eating.
(5) Rice combining. Americans should consume rice combinations, such as, brown, red, and black that are rich in vitamins and less sugar. Although white rice is tastier than less processed rice and good for fast energy, it is bad for the people who want to prevent blood sugar fluctuations and who is diabetic. Rice combinations are lower in calories can help to prevent obesity which is the Americans’ common health disease.
(6) Not every night is dessert night. The typical American desserts are cakes, cookies, chocolate, and ice cream that are high in sugar, fats, and calories. In contrast, the common Asian dessert is fruit that rich in nutritious. Americans should start eating like Asians to improve their health.
(7) Seafood. Everyone knows that there are a lot of advantages to eating seafood. Asians consume fish and seafood daily but not Americans. We have heard all about the benefits and healthy oils from fish. Americans should increase their fish consumptions so they can get more nutrients from the diet rather than the supplement.
(8) Asian snacks are healthier. The different choice of the snacks between the Asians and Americans is part of the reason Americans are so overweight and Asians are not. Chooses dried fruit, seaweed snacks, and pumpkin or sunflower seeds instead of the chocolate bar, candy bar, chips, and cookies. These healthy snacks are high in vitamins and minerals. Remember to choose the “lightly salted” version for nuts if you want the salt.
(9) Optimize food temperatures with seasons. Americans cultural of drinking cold drink even during in the winter is harmful to the health. Eating warm or hot foods on a cold day and cool foods on a hot day is a common-sense rule in Asia. Americans should practice this habit since eating the right temperature foods during various weather is an important part of a healthy diet.
(10) Avoid cow’s milk and milk combining. Americans should be aware of consuming milk with any other foods. Combining the wrong foods will slow down gut motility to a snail’s pace, such as dairy. The substitution of almond milk or organic soy milk for cow’s milk is better for healthy digestion.
This post gives a lot of ideas for my argument essay about why American should start eating like Asian. The author provides the differences in the diet habits between the American and the Asian.
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